7 Excellent Quotes from Witness Lee

Originally posted on the Bibles for America Blog.
In a previous post, we provided a brief biography of Witness Lee, the author of the outlines and extensive notes in the study Bible we give away, as well as hundreds of books that minister Christ as life for God’s purpose. Bibles for America gives away this study Bible—the New Testament Recovery Version—as well as a small sampling of books by Witness Lee. In this post, we’ve compiled some nourishing and enlightening quotes by Witness Lee from books you can read for free here.
- “Christianity is not, strictly speaking, a religion teaching people to do this and to do that. It is simply Christ Himself, the living One, being wrought into us.”—The Economy of God, p. 52
- “God created and redeemed man for this purpose, that man might be the container into which He could dispense Himself. In the whole universe—time, space, and eternity—the center of God’s economy is to dispense Himself into humanity.”—The Economy of God, p. 209
- “Christ is the Spirit, we have a spirit, and these two spirits are joined as one. Now by turning to our spirit and exercising and using our spirit, we have a way to experience the reality of all that Christ is to us.”—Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 1, p. 41
- “From deep within just breathe, ‘O Lord,’ ‘Amen,’ ‘Hallelujah,’ and you will taste the sweetness and reality of Christ Himself.”—Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 2, p. 18
- “In the New Testament, there is some ground for gifts and knowledge, miracles and signs, but the main way for the Body of Christ to be built up is by Christ Himself as our life.”—Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 3, p. 28
- “In our experiences of life, in our daily living, and in the activities of our work, our God is indeed a living God, a God whom we can touch and whom we can meet.” —The Knowledge of Life, p. 142
- “We must not only be saved, but also transformed into the living stones for the building of God. Originally we are not stones; we are pieces of clay. But when we accepted Christ, He came into our spirit and has been continually working to transform us. By the renewing of the Holy Spirit, we are transformed from a piece of clay to a stone that we may be material for the building of God.”—The All-Inclusive Christ, p. 79
Each of these quotes touches a profound matter related to the Christian life and our growth and experience as believers. We encourage you to read them in their full context for a deeper understanding of their meaning. You can read the books they’re taken from for free here
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