Prayer November 16, 2021A Simple Way to Pray Have you ever felt like you didn’t know how to pray, or like you didn’t know the…
Prayer September 21, 2021How to Practice the Private Prayer Described in Matthew 6:6 In Matthew 6:6, the Lord Jesus said: “But you, when you pray, enter into your private room,…
The Christian Life April 15, 2019How to Receive the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit If we’re being honest with ourselves, we have to admit that relying on our own strength or…
Prayer February 20, 20175 Spiritual Exercises You Can Practice through Prayer Prayer is an essential component for believers in Christ. We begin our Christian life by praying to…
Prayer December 7, 2015The Urgent Need for Prayer and the Preaching of the Gospel It seems daily we’re assailed by harrowing reports of conflict, hatred, and violence between people, both here…